Black Turtle Bean

在南方流行多年的经典黑汤豆. 这种灌木型植物有一半的流道植物,豆荚在早期采摘时很容易折断,或者你可以让它们在藤蔓上晾干. 未经处理的种子

在南方流行多年的经典黑汤豆. 这种灌木型植物有一半的流道植物,豆荚在早期采摘时很容易折断,或者你可以让它们在藤蔓上晾干. 未经处理的种子

不评价 $1.80$107.50 选择选项选择项
Broad Windsor 蚕豆 bean
Broad Windsor 蚕豆 bean

75天. a favorite for Mediterranean cooking.

约. 1,500 seeds per pound.

Click here to see a crop summary

75天. a favorite for Mediterranean cooking.

约. 1,500 seeds per pound.

Click here to see a crop summary

不评价 $3.50$255.00 选择选项选择项

95天. Good old fashion baking bean.

约. 1,500 seeds per pound.

Click here to see a crop summary

95天. Good old fashion baking bean.

约. 1,500 seeds per pound.

Click here to see a crop summary

不评价 $2.30$152.50 选择选项选择项
Dwarf Horticultural Taylor

60天. Great for a green shell bean.
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约. 1,500 seeds per pound.

Click here to see a crop summary

60天. Great for a green shell bean.
I do not have an image for this product. 如果你今年买了这个产品,并把它的图片发给我, 明年我会免费送你一包. Send to” Please include your name and address.

约. 1,500 seeds per pound.

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不评价 $2.90$197.50 选择选项选择项
Great Northern Navy

95天. A very popular baking or soup bean. Grows well in the North or Midwest. 3-4颗″豆荚里装满了美味的大白豆. 灌木型植物. Untreated organic seed.

95天. A very popular baking or soup bean. Grows well in the North or Midwest. 3-4颗″豆荚里装满了美味的大白豆. 灌木型植物. Untreated organic seed.

不评价 $5.70$437.50 选择选项选择项
变质剂 in a Shaker Can

每个2.3 oz package treats a 40 foot row.

每一个8.7 oz can will treat 150 of row.


园艺土壤接种剂是一种添加到土壤中“播种”土壤的细菌. 换句话说, 在使用豌豆和豆类接种剂时加入少量细菌,使其繁殖成为大量细菌.用于豆科植物接种剂的一种细菌是豆科根瘤菌, which is a nitrogen fixing bacteria. 这些细菌“感染”了在土壤中生长的豆科植物,使豆科植物形成固氮结节,使豌豆和豆类成为氮发电站.

每个2.3 oz package treats a 40 foot row.

每一个8.7 oz can will treat 150 of row.


园艺土壤接种剂是一种添加到土壤中“播种”土壤的细菌. 换句话说, 在使用豌豆和豆类接种剂时加入少量细菌,使其繁殖成为大量细菌.用于豆科植物接种剂的一种细菌是豆科根瘤菌, which is a nitrogen fixing bacteria. 这些细菌“感染”了在土壤中生长的豆科植物,使豆科植物形成固氮结节,使豌豆和豆类成为氮发电站.

不评价 $6.95$11.25 选择选项选择项

95天. 粗壮的植物能产出大量的小而纯的白豆.

约. 1,500 seeds per pound.

95天. 粗壮的植物能产出大量的小而纯的白豆.

约. 1,500 seeds per pound.

不评价 $1.80$110.00 选择选项选择项

85天. Light buff, speckled, brownish red bean.

about 1500 seeds per lb

1/4 lb about 375 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

85天. Light buff, speckled, brownish red bean.

about 1500 seeds per lb

1/4 lb about 375 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

不评价 $2.40$325.00 选择选项选择项

About 1500 seeds per lb

1/4 lb about 375 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

About 1500 seeds per lb

1/4 lb about 375 seeds

Click here to see a crop summary

不评价 $3.40$242.50 选择选项选择项