花生 每磅大约500颗种子
PLANTING: In late spring or early summer, deeply till soil. Enrich soil with compost, Bradfield fertilizer or any other fertilizers.
花生壳. Place seeds 1-2″ deep, 6″ apart in a row spacing of 36-48″. After plants 花, ridge soil like you would potatoes.
HARVEST: Dig up plants before frost and hang plant up to cure in a cool, dry, breezy place. 花生也可以去掉
从植物上取下来,在平面上晒干. After peanuts have dried down, remove from plant. 对于咸花生,用盐浸泡
水在一夜之间. Roast shell and all in a oven on a cookie sheet at 300°F. You must stir frequently to keep peanuts from burning.